

Hi, Hello, and Welcome to what has been only what we can call a labour of love.  We’ve had various guises and identities over our 10 years as photographers but both Roman and I can firmly say that this site is something we are incredibly proud of.

Photography has changed immensely in the 10 short years we’ve been in the business and hence so has our identity. We both came out of an IT background and that gave us a great headstart as the world of photography and technology merged.

We’ve learnt to be DOP’s, graders, website builders, marketing dons, accountants and stylists but at the heart of that is the passion to be better photographers.  We learn from each other, and that’s an incredibly healthy thing in any business, it’s keep us both on our feet (or mostly Paul)

We’d have never of dreamed 10 years ago that we’d have worked with wonderful clients such as Studio Output, MTV, Hedon and Sony to name only a few.

Thanks for coming to take a look, we hope you like (LOVE) what you see and please drop us an email, a tweet or even a phonecall to let us know what you think.

Paul / Romain / Daniel

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